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Nepal extends about 885 km from east to west and up to 241 km from north to south, covering an area of 147,818 square kilometers, as Swiss and Austria together.

Closed in between India and China it divides itself into 4 climatic and geographic zones: Terai, Siwaliks, Mahabharat Lekhs and Pahar, the high Himalaya.

The Terai, downland in the south of Nepal is part of the Ganga plains, once densely forested with subtropical climate. More than 450 birds are found here, and Tiger, Leopard, Buffalo, Elephant, Gharial, Rhinos, are the most famous animals. The jungles are covered mainly with Sal trees and Elephant grass.

The inflow of immigrants from other (hilly) parts in the last 30 years and the simultaneously growth of the population has reduced the jungles. More than 10 Million Nepali are settled in the Terai. But here we can see also the tectonic work of the great earth plates, in fact here the Indian subcontinent “crashes with the Asiatic plate, creating all other following zones and many earthquakes.

Flooded every year by the rivers during monsoon, the Terai is highly fertile. Beside of this, many industries are settled here.