Tibet General Info
What to pack?
Casual wear and comfortable walking shoes are essential for Tibet. Be sure to bring warm clothing, as early mornings and nights can be chilly to downright cold in winter. Bring all the film, medicines, cosmetics and toiletries that you will need from home, as these items are difficult, if not impossible to purchase in Tibet. A sleeping bag is also essential.
Handy items include and water bottle, a Swiss Army knife, a can opener, a flashlight, a raincoat or collapsible umbrella.
Accommodation is at the Zhangmu Hotel. The rooms are very basic and do not have modern amenities. During the rest of the journey, high altitude tents, complete with mattresses and camping equipment (except for clothing and sleeping bag), will be provided. Please note: no laundry facilities will be available during the duration of the trip.
At present, no vaccinations are officially required for entry into Tibet. However it is recommended that you immunised against Tetanus, Typhoid and malaria.
Approximately $1US = 8 Yuan. Money can be changed at the Bank of China at Zhangmu, Xigatse and Lhasa. In case the banks are closed, we suggest you to ask your Tour Guide for a loan.
China has only one time zone. Chinese time is 2 Hours and 15 minutes ahead of Nepal’s time in summer and 3 hours and 15 minutes in winter.
There is strict control over taking pictures inside the monasteries but upon paying a fee, a Monk may turn on the lights, making the flash less obvious. You must not carry any pictures of the Dalai Lama, free Tibet posters or t-shirts, Tibetan flags or political magazines or books.
The journey throughout Tibet will be in a Japanese 4-wheel drive and cruiser. A truck will carry all luggage and camping gear.
Photography is not permitted inside most buildings, including monasteries and forts. However this does not include courtyards and building extensions. This restriction is due to the Chinese Government, however the Monks who inhabit these places have no love for the Chinese and dearly love to thwart them whenever possible. So it pays to ask if you can snap a picture or two. Some times they will check to see if the ‘coast is clear’. But please ensure you ask before just snapping away.
A Chinese/English speaking guide will escort the group throughout your trip.
Food and Beverage
We will provide a vegetarian breakfast and dinner cooked by our Sherpa at the campsite. You will be required to bring sufficient supplementary food like biscuits, nuts, pickles, bujias, freeze dried milk and our favourite tinned products to add variety to the meals. Lunch will be a pack of light snacks.
Sherpas who are capable of working and cooking at high altitudes will be accompanying the group. The will be in charge of setting up of tents, cooking etc.
Booking conditions and visa arrangements
Confirmed reservations should reach us 2 weeks prior to tour departure, together with a $100US non-refundable deposit per person. Discover Himalayan Trek (P) Ltd will process your visa and require the following information when you make your booking: –
a) Name in full
b) Sex
c) Date of Birth
d) Profession
e) Nationality
f) No Passport
g) Date of Issue
A normal visa fee U.S $ 26, is applicable if the visa is processed in 5 full working days. If the visa is processed in 3 days, an additional $11 US is charged, with an additional $ 17 US being charged if the visa is processed in a day. The Chinese Embassy is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 11am for China/Tibet visas.
Altitude Sickness
As Lhasa lies at 12000ft, you are likely to experience some of the minor symptoms and discomforts of Altitude Sickness, until your body adjusts to the elevation. These symptoms include headache, mild nausea and loss of appetite. Acclimatisation can take a few hours or a couple of days, depending on the individual. It is important to take things easy and drink plenty of non-alcoholic liquids. Proper hydration is essential to aid acclimatisation. We also recommend you to carry a strip of Diamox tablet.
We recommend that you insure yourself against illness, emergency rescue, accidents, hospitalisation, cancellation etc. as we accept no responsibility for damages or expense which may arise from mishaps to persons or their belongings during these journeys.
Medicine and Health
Due to the rugged mountain terrain, high latitude and the non-availability of good medical facilities, we recommend/require that you be certified by a doctor to be medically fit for high altitude travel. Please note, oxygen cylinders and masks are not available. It is advisable that you carry the following medicines: – Diamox, Diarrhea, Paracetamol, Painkiller, Typhoid, Iodine water Purification tablets etc.
Risks and liabilities
Discover Himalayan Treks (P) Ltd will put every effort into making your journey as smooth and pleasant as possible. However, all programs in Tibet are conducted under the strict rules and regulations of the Tibet Tourism Bureau. Therefore, Discover Himalayan Treks (P) Ltd or its Tibetan counterparts shall not be responsible for any change or alteration in itineraries due to unavoidable circumstances such as landslide, road blocks, floods, snow, political unrest, cancellation of flights, delayed arrival, sickness or accidents. Cancellation insurance is highly recommended.
There will be a cancellation charge of 50% of confirmed booking up to 7 days prior to the departure, with no refund payable thereafter. No refund for no shows or delayed arrivals, regardless of the reason.